Our F.L.Y. First Love Yourself Baseball Hat is 100% Organic Cotton, eco friendly! With a Project Love Apparel logo on the back what better way to convey your message of how importlant self love really is!
Our number one priority above selling our collection lines is to support Mental Health Awareness and Self Love.
Since our mission lies within this, we are donating 100%of the profits of any Project Love Apparel Hats sold to the National Alliance Of Mental Illness.
**Free Shipping On all USA Orders.
F.L.Y. First Love Yourself Organic Black Baseball Cap
Artikelnummer: 6184098F7FA80_12689
32,00$ Standardpreis
You're complete satisfaction is important to us. We are confident you will love our hat collections however, for health and safety reasons we do not offer a refund on any hats purchased.